
Halo Reach short review

Halo Reach is old game how i would review this game,for its age it is old and very good game,one my favourites but i start my review of gameplay,campaign beginning in short,firefight i have no experience on multiplayer so that is left outside of it. Campaign Story starts in Reach that has fallen into Covenant attack and then it changes into past before fall,you start as Noble Six and you are with Noble Team,most quiet member of the team and story starts with mission Winter Contingency were you scout area in Reach,that have been invaded by invaders and team get surprise attacked by Covenant. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X49oDbqv4do Gameplay Gameplay is nice fusion of Halo CE with Halo 2,3 elements and it has very nice vehicle controls,many weapons from UNSC,Covenant are very nice and useful for the player not mentioning that you can modify your Spartan in color,armor,symbol. Spartans have armor lock ability and you can even make your own class that you can choose specifi...

Renegade X/C&C Anniversary.

C&C Renegade X is remastered C&C Renegade,also factions and graphics totally remastered. It is totally new game almost with Unreal Engine 3 and in some maps you can use GDI Orca and Nod Apache Helicopter,sadly campaign of Renegade X Black Dawn does not feature Nod campaign at all. Multiplayer is awesome added with totally new maps and in current beta there is only one game mode. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QE6e9deyu1s Awesome trailer filled with nice battles between Nod and GDI.

My opinion on C&C Twisted Insurrection.

How i would start this,well this mod takes place in alternate C&C timeline,were Nod did win First Tiberium War. Nod and GDI missions starts right after Nod victory in Tiberian Dawn and world is turning into same dangerous world as in original Tiberian Sun,with Tiberium mutants attacking your base and everything and  you have to defend base,also ironically enough there is GDI mission were you have hold off endless waves of mutants. It is similiar formula to GDI mission 2 in TS expansion Firestorm,but i guess that makers of TI care about C&C more than corrupt companies like EA.  Nod faction review Nod is back with arsenal that is similiar to Tiberian Sun,but also has different/new units as well like powerful Eclipse Plasma Tank. Including classic Cyborgs and Cyborg Commando,Cyborg Reapers including some new ones. GDI faction review GDI has replaced most of their arsenal with mechs but also tanks. There is no Titans,Wolverines like in Tiberian Sun but the...

How EA destroyed C&C.

How i would start this, well EA just went too far with this. Pay to win is EA goals is just trolling us C&C fans,i think so EA is cancer of gaming just like Activision,Ubisoft. It just so bad for game industry,i expected C&C 5 with base building whole new story and finally Scrin invasion,we need to show EA that ``no we are not falling their BS``hardcore C&C fans don`t fall into this trap and it`s pay to win system. We want true C&C with base building,New Tiberium War,Scrin Invasion and finally good conclusion to the Tiberium series. How much this gaming cancer must continue and ignorance of gamers. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UtnABNetBC4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uBh1x-Fhfec https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QXLKJHpGA_g&t=153s As these three video explains this much easier for you and this is just for example for stupidity in gaming community. EA not just keep continuing destroying C&C,but also SW games,Mass Effect,Battlefield,etc list goes on an...

C&C Red Alert/Tiberium/Generals

C&C ainoa tuttu lapsuuden pelisarja parhaat musiikit,kaikki alkoi kun näin kaverin pelaavan C&C Tiberian Dawnia.Pelissä ei ollut hyvät grafiikat olenkaan mutta kuiteskin tykästyin peliin ja tarinaan.Eka C&C peli jota pelasin oli mahtava C&C Tiberian Sun vanha mutta hyvä GDI ja NOD puolet oli kivastit tehtyjä mutta tasapaino ei ollut paras,mutta minun lempi puoli oli NOD koska kivat tankit ja jalkaväki,en ollut paras pelaamaan Tiberian Sunii tekoäly ja tasapaino puolien välillä teki siitä vaikeaa hommaa ja kivuliasta hävisin moninpelissä enemmän kun tarinassa. Nodin ja GDI tarina videot olivat,kun suoraan elokuvasta jonka takia peli teki hyvän vaikutuksen minuun. Musiikki oli hyvää ja teki pelin ilmakehästä hienon ja maailmanlopun kaltaisen tunnelman,Nodin tarinan tehtävät oli minun lempi tehtäviä,etenkin toiseksi vika tehtävä. Seuraava peli johon tykästyin oli C&C Red Alert 2 mahtava yllätyksenä oli hieno alkuvideo. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fnd0qg...